The Sweating Joker Poems

You have to read these poems.

Please buy this book now. Click on Joker.

 Profound critic, Dr. Stephen P. Means, says:

“This is a very funny book. After presenting these poems in Santa Barbara, people had tears in their eyes. Some cried, some laughed. Some wanted to take me out to the railroad tracks and tar and feather me. One person had a religious experience. Watch! When I performed “The Jackal” I scared the living bejesus out of a young man and he had to be excused. You’ll howl like Ginsberg or rant like the Dickens. In my opinion you’ve never seen a book of poetry so profound, so sweet and in fact there is a poem “If I could call a cloud,” I especially wrote for anyone who wants to impress their lover. If you buy my book you have my permission to use this poem, but be aware! After you read it to your lover, I’m not responsible for your sex. Please, for my sake, cherish these poems. They are life changing. Why “Ding Dong Daddy” alone is worth the price of the book. More!You get introspection, comedy, and total delicious fun in this collector’s treasure of original one of a kind poetry. For instance, “Peanut Butter Day,” cracked up a round, I mean renowned critic and he bought fifty copies of the poem. Why? He said something about a mess in his department and how he need some humorous script if anyone was ever going to get clean to bottom of the hubris in the W.C. they call his University.

Well you can imagine the hubris I developed when “The Sweating Joker Poems” won the Noble
prize. Just kidding, but I was named poet lariat for Santa Barbara when I roped in a couple of heifers at Earl Warren Showgrounds with just this simple rhyme: “That! . . . Why that is just too fat. Seriously, I can only tell you how great “The Sweating Joker” really is if I get you salivating to have this book by reminding you of an aphorism:

“You never regret what you do. You only regret what you don’t do.”

In the future, in the years to come, just flash back to right now. You had the chance to enlighten yourself, to begin again to enjoy reading, to open a doorway to  new, funny, and in fact, titillating funny bone funny extravaganza.
I went to the dentist last week, so I can verify I’m not just whistling through my teeth, and I’m not whistling Dixie; I am a serious poet who has examined what is funny and what is not funny. Not! I mean I’m not serious when I say, and you can quote me: “This book will knock Lady Gaga and Miley Cyrus out of first place and soon I’ll be dancing up on stage in my underwear like a sweating joker.”
That might not be so funny, but damn I would love it. And you’re going to love this book of poetry. You want to have some fun reading? Then go ahead and buy the book. I give you my personal guarantee that it is a collector’s item, that you will enjoy reading it, and that it’s worth every cent. Guaranteed!” Buy now. Click here.


What?! You said What to yourself?

Who did I tell myself I was? Oh well, I can't remember.

Do you know who you really are?
Self talk, that is, what we continually tell ourselves we are, may not actually be who we are. You need to know the truth about who you really are. If you are continually saying, “I don’t know what to do,” and you feel a lot of ambiguity maybe you need to separate fact from fiction.
What goes through your mind — what you listen to — determines your experiences of life.
When you hear yourself say something in your mind to yourself, ask “Is this fact or fiction?”
The future is unknown. Facts are reality. For instance, if you say, “I’m too old to go to school.” Is that a fact? No. If you say, “I’ll never be any good.” How do you know that? That is not a fact.
The idea is that when you hear yourself say something in your head you must question if it is really true. If not eliminate that type of self talk. It’s not doing you any good. Unless you test and verify your assumptions you are living in a destructive dream. Ask is what I’m saying fact or fiction.

Confusing fact with fiction is the domain of insecurity.

Here you have a choice: Either tame the doubts and fears and insecurities . . . Or feed them. If you feed them then they’ll grow. If you tame them, and don’t feed them, like all habits they will diminish. If you’re frustrated and unhappy it’s because you’ve been living a choiceless, reflexive life in which you’re confused . . . , not fact-based self talk feeds the confusion.

When self talk says “I can’t,” it doesn’t mean you won’t. Maybe you can. How do you know you can’t until you try? Things change day to day. Today you can.

Doubt isn’t the truth. It only keeps you from seeing the truth. You have to separate your thinking from doubt. Fictions are based on interpretations and probability predictions. Make this distinction and then begin to scrutinize these thoughts.

Just recognize a fact from a  fiction. Be aware of what you’re doing. Examine.  Recognize what’s going on in your inner dialog. Are fictions your habit? Most habits, since they occur on an almost subconscious level, may not be aware to you. You have to listen carefully. There is a moment before reacting. Examine that moment. Listen carefully when you make a statement in your mind. Know you have a choice.

When it comes to your psychological states,  your habits of negative depression, and insecurity, are simply habits and can be altered. They are fictions that are merely being treated as facts.




The Coming Out Party

Art is coming out of the closet. Yes, it’s true. In the last few months we remodeled the headquarters here at Wisdomgame. Low and behold, what did we discover?  

We found art in the closets. In fact, it’s hanging all over this place. So, now we’re having a coming out party.  

There's an erection in my closet!

There's an erection in my closet!


 I painted this picture so many years ago I forgot all about it. It was in my Gestalt period where by figure and ground reversed themselves and gave movement to solid forms. But, then again, I have to ask: Where is it going?  

   You can play Wisdomgame if you click here.

New Cultural Center in the San Fernando Valley

SFV events center

Cultural events center nears completion


San Fernando Valley Cutural Center at 

Cal. State Northridge. 

The Valley’s premier cultural center is nearing completion. This picture is on an angle from within the campus from the cafeteria. When finished this will create a substantial cultural presence in the San  Fernando Valley   

 Art is more important than most people understand. Without art our lives would be pretty dull. 

Wisdomgame’s headquarters are about one mile from this center. Find out more. Play along. 

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and is owned by Stephen P. Means. Email me
© 2010 Stephen P. Means; Wisdomgame
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Is it art Yet?

What is art? Is this art?


Art is a prism of demension. What is art really? It can be many things, some beautiful and some strange. I painted this piece many years ago and it’s now hanging in the Wisdomgame art gallery in Northridge, California. You can join wisdomgame or you can add your art on this page.    

Subscribe to this blog. Here at Wisdomgame we Entertain, Educate and Enlighten.  So have some fun. You know what the bartender said when the horse walked into the bar and asked for a drink?    

   The bartender asked the horse a question. He asked, “Why the long face?”    

Thanks for reading,     

Stephen P. Means  @    

Look for our new videos soon from 


I think I thought I think.


    This is me. Sometimes I blatantly display my own works in hopes you will get to know me and maybe I’ll become rich and famous.   

   Anyway. . . and by the way, when ‘Anyone’ says “Anyway,” a light bulb will go off in your head. “Anyway” means “Focus on me, what I was saying, I’m the star; attention please. It’s about me. You will understand this better if you go to my website at 


. . . . or maybe you won’t. Depends on your sense of artistic license.   

      Anyway, . . . as I promised yesterday, today a little about the ‘Sweating Joker Poems.’  It’s a short work of a hundred poems. I want you to have this one. You can copy it and give it to your lover. I changed it a little, the parentheses used to have the name Micheal. . . Now, you put in whatever name you want and then read it to your friend, spouse, or want-to-be lover. This will be the start of a never-ending love affair. I guarantee it.   

From the ‘Sweating Joker Poems.’   


by Stephen Philip Means   


                                     If I Could Call a Cloud    


                                    If I could call a cloud   

                                    By naming perfection,   

                                    I would bend upon my knee   

                                    And call your name, (add )                                      


                                    To see the bright light of your eyes   

                                    And the beauty of your smile,   

                                    It makes me laugh.   

                                    Oh, warm yellow morning sun,   

                                    But it’s only you,   

                                    You are so beautiful.   



                                    Beyond comparison.   

                                    Images can not define   

                                    Nor names describe this seduction.   


                                    So I will not call clouds   

                                    Or bow to call your name ( add name here),   

                                    And I will not name perfection.   

                                    I will not name perfection   

                                    Nor water down this seduction.   


                                    You are the fragrance of the flower.   

                                    The spray, the wave, the whistling breeze,   

                                    The air itself.   

                                    Bite by bite,   

                                    I eat your warm nectar.   



Thanks for reading.   


Stephen P. Means (aka: Wisdomgame)